"Concussion": Professional Athletes and Traumatic Brain Injury

with Bernie Nicholls, former LA King player, Marvin Washington, former NY Jets player and Paul Anderson, Litigation Attorney
790 KABC, December 26, 2015

On this Boxing Day (no pun intended), we take a close look at concussions in sports, as Will Smith's movie Concussion opens nationwide. Joining us will be former Los Angeles King Bernie Nicholls to talk about his experiences and why he is suing the NHL. We also welcome former New York Jets star Marvin Washington, and the "go to guy" in concussion litigation, attorney Paul D. Anderson. 

Gurvey's Law wishes all its listeners a very Happy Holidays, and the happiest of New Years! Thanks for making Gurvey's Law 2015 such a special year. We look forward to providing the best legal minds and the most important issues to you in 2016.