Legends in the Law: Gerry Spence Criminal Attorney, Master Story Teller and Modern Day Philosopher

with Gerry Spence, Criminal Attorney and Best-Selling Author
790 KABC, February 20, 2016

Don't miss Gurvey's Law on Saturday as Alan Gurvey goes one on one with legendary trial attorney, Gerry Spence. Spence has never lost a criminal case in his long and illustrious career, nor has he lost a civil case in the last 40 years. He is a best-selling author of over 15 books, a master storyteller and modern day philosopher. His Trial Lawyers College is a well-respected training ground for lawyers throughout the country. Spence is well known as a media commentator on some of the most famous cases, such as the O.J. Simpson case, (who he declined to represent). Alan Gurvey gets up close and personal with Gerry Spence, a voice of logic, compassion, and passion. This week's Gurvey's Law isn’t only about law, but about what's really important in life.