In a special episode, Alan Gurvey and Kerri Kasem hit the red carpet to talk “RBG”, a new film opening this weekend. CNN writes, “Stirring in all the right ways, ‘RBG’ is much more than just a profile of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the unexpectedly iconic #SupremeCourt justice... ‘RBG’ takes various facets of a fascinating life and stitches them together, as documentaries go, into a genuine beauty”. The directors of the movie, Betsy West and Julie Cohen, join Alan and Kerri to talk about how they were able to create such an intimate profile of Justice Ginsburg, a women’s rights advocate who became a pop star and media darling amidst criticisms from those who oppose her liberal-minded legal opinions. Don't miss this up close and personal interview with the directors who got up close and personal with RBG! Tune into Gurvey's Law on Saturdays from 2-3 p.m. on KABC-AM 790 TalkRadio and!