Joining Alan Gurvey on Gurvey's Law is Lorne Rubis, author of the The Character Triangle. Mr. Rubis examines and defines the three distinct but interdependent values that, if applied in our daily thoughts and actions, are a ''playbook'' for attaining rewards in any type of work and any situation in life. We discuss the relevant and timely examples of role models in diverse fields of endeavor--thinkers and doers from contemporary life and from his own experience--illustrate the power of the Character Triangle.
We also meet with Thomas Thompson, former Assistant General Manager of the NHL's Minnesota Wild from 2002 - 2010 and dissect his life challenges and successes then and now. Tune in to Gurvey’s Law on Saturdays at 2:00 PM PST on KABC-AM 790 TalkRadio or at the "Listen Live" button at